Race with a View (4/1)
Because Eryn and I had to run 7 miles this weekend while in Southern California for our THS band Disneyland trip, I decided to see if there was a race nearby. I found the Race with a View, a fund raiser for Jewish Family & Children's Service, about 30 minutes away in Long Beach.
I formed a team, and Eryn, Dad, Luann and Lynn signed up to run or walk the 5K/10K with me. Yippee! (Eryn ended up sick and stayed back in the hotel)So we got up really early Sunday morning and drove as the sun was rising. There was a high-surf advisory, and it was super windy. I wished I had my puffy jacket, too.
Despite the cold, there was a fantastic view!
The race was small and not professionally timed. Still, it seemed fairly organized. And we had free parking at the beach access park, so that was really nice.We used the public restrooms, which were like prison toilets. The "stalls" were short block walls with no doors - and stainless-steel toilets. Good for keeping the riffraff from doing bad stuff in private but bad for doing any pre-race business in private. Still, it had to be done, so it was done :)
The 10K race started right on time at 8 a.m., and we headed south on the beach sidewalk. There were lots of water stations and some mile markers along the way. We ran along a marina and on a boardwalk right next to beautiful houses. Then we made a tiny loop and ran back the way we came.I felt great on the way out, sticking right around a 9:15-9:18 average. Then we turned around into the very strong headwind, and I started working a lot harder. I tried to keep up the pace but eventually dropped a bit. I also got a side ache, I think for bending slightly into the wind. Oops.I spotted the 6-mile banner and started to run faster. But then I looked at my Garmin and realized it was actually not even 5.5 miles. Crap. So I pulled back a bit and then sprinted at the real end.
The course was a little short. I finished 6.05 miles in 56:09 - a 9:16 average. My 10K PR is a 9:15 average. So close!
By the way, as soon as the sun came all the way up, it was plenty warm, especially for running.As soon as I sprinted to the finish, I went straight for the water... but they were out. They were out of water at the finish line. WHAT?!?I know it's a small race, but seriously, that's really the only thing you have to provide at a race. Not cool.
Then came Dad, Luann and Lynn. WOOHOO!
Man, we are a good-looking bunch!

Girl power!
So close to the water, we had to go dip our toes:

We scored some pretty good swag: a tech tee (though the unisex ones are always gigantic - a new shirt for Brad.)
And a bunch of free stuff, mostly for local businesses. Too bad we aren't local :)
We got some free froyo for a place in Long Beach. We put it in the GPS and drove straight there:
Of course, it was 9:45 a.m. and they didn't open until 11. Duh. We gave our coupons to a couple passing by.
But we also each got $5 for a local coffee place, which happened to be in the next block. 
We pooled our cards (including Eryn's!) and each got a drink and cookie or yogurt or something. Major score :)
My hot chocolate was excellent! Unfortunately, it ended up being the most expensive hot chocolate ever. I saw the meters when we parked. I even thought about all the change I had in my wallet. But I was so excited about my free stuff that I jumped out of the car and didn't give it another thought. Until I saw this on the windshield:
The last parking ticket I got in Portland was $16. This is $49! Oh crap.Oh crap.Oh well.Still, it was a really fun morning, and I'm really glad that I found the race and talked my friends into joining me. Thanks, friends :)
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