My go-go-go weekend started Friday with Girls' Night!
I used to see my girl friends all the time - like several times a week! But with most of them having babies... and now more babies, it's really hard to get everyone together. We put this one on the calendar way in advance in hopes of getting some of us there. It worked!
We started with some dinner at Olive Garden. Laura, Theresa and Sarah:
Ursa and Eryn:
Luann had to work late and joined us at the end of dinner.
They almost all went with never-ending pasta. I had minestrone and shrimp mezzaluna. YUM!

Then it was time for some dessert and pedicures at my house.
We had so many colors! And since no one thought to bring party pants, I got out my bin full and we all picked some to wear for the evening :)Eryn left before the photo finish:
Brad was sequestered in the other room but painted his toes, too!
So glad we made it work this time :)
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