Sometime last year, we received an e-mail for very early registration for October's Run Like Hell... $10 for the 10K!
Let me think... a holiday race for just $10? Yes, please!
I hadn't run a 10K since March when I missed PRing by just 1 second per mile at the Race with a View in Long Beach, Calif.
So my PR, from February's Heart Breaker, stood at 57:48, a 9:15 average. I knew I could beat that, and Brad, still recovering from his marathon just two weeks ago, offered to run with me and pace me. SWEET!
I haven't been training specifically for the 10K - actually going easy the past month since our Giant Race Half Marathon. And I knew we had a band competition all day Saturday at the University of Oregon, meaning that I wouldn't get proper rest, fuel, hydration or sleep.
SOOOOO... we set the goal of simply coming in under a 9:15 average. Any PR would be great. Brad worked out a realistic plan with specific paces for all 6.2 miles.
Then came race day. It was a super-hero theme, but I didn't have time to get fancy. We opted for Halloween colors:

The race started and ended at Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland. It was cold and raining when the half marathon began, but the precip stopped before our race. For some reason unknown to all of us, the 10K started 20 minutes late. Boo :(
Waiting... cold... waiting...
My pre-race gel exploded all over me. Sticky and chocolatey!
There were some truly awesome costumes out there. I was so jealous that I wasn't at least rockin' a cape :)
When we finally got under way, the crowded course knocked us off pace. So after it cleared out, we had some time to make up. No problem!
Check out the kid next to me on Natio. He had a full blue suit with a mask and cape. Very cute :)
I heard my name and looked over to see my parents standing on the side of the road! Didn't know they were coming to cheer us on - super cool!!! We passed them twice on the out-and-back portion.
We made up the time plus some, and Brad kept telling me we were right on our target pace. (I wasn't looking at my Garmin)
I was feeling great - pushing a little but very comfortable. Brad said we had it - just had to maintain to the end. So at about mile 4.5, I said that I'd like to speed up when we got to 5 and see what I could do.
And speed up I did! Gas pedal down :)
Picking people off one by one. Almost done... gonna pass that girl in the blue tights:
The last couple blocks were up hill - Broadway from Burnside to Pioneer Courthouse Square. It was really tough to hang in, but I did. Not much kick left - because I'd already been kicking for a mile!
As I saw my pace dropping, I tried so hard to get to 9:00. If the end hadn't been up hill, I think I would have nailed it.
I think I emptied my tank. Oh, and that cow was one of the runners I picked off:
Ok... no longer dying. Time for a smiling picture:Thanks for pacing me and carrying the camera, Brad!!
Bless you, chili makers! Fresh, hot, yummy vegetarian chili at the finish line:
I finished in 56:38, a 9:02 average. That's a 1:10 PR - 13 seconds per mile.
Here's my splits:
1 - 9:19
2 - 9:02
3 - 9:11
4 - 9:10
5 - 8:57
6 - 8:43
.27 - 8:26
I am so pleased with this race! I had fun, I made my goal, I beat my goal.
Next time I'm going for 9:00! :)
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