The all-women event is so amazing. The atmosphere is completely supportive to all runners - every ability, shape and size. As always, it was a very positive experience!
Up early, ready to run!
And we're off...
Eryn was up first:
Cousin Kayla and Aunt Vicki - Kayla's first 10K!
Mom's turn:
Because it was just two weeks after my marathon, I was originally signed up for the quarter marathon. But I was feeling good and decided to transfer to the half. I'd done the quarter the previous years and wanted to try the longer race.
The course was great! It's fairly flat, but because it's farm land, it was wide open - no trees or buildings for shade. It ended up being 87 degrees that day, and the sun was blazing hot!
I started this race thinking of it as a fun run - no expectations. My body was still recovering, so I took it comfortable. I actually turned over my Garmin and only looked at it when it beeped for my mile splits. And when the temp started to spike, I slowed down and took a couple walk breaks when I normally would have pushed through.
Overall, I felt good. I had fun - and that's what matters. That's what was lacking from my marathon and what made it miserable.
I had a big group of friends and family at the race. And since I finished last, they were all waiting to cheer me on at the end. I LOVE this picture. If you look to the crowd on my right, there's at least a half-dozen people with cameras and cheers pointed straight at me :)Hand over heart for Boston:
My overall pace was 10:28. No land-speed record there, but that wasn't my goal for this one.
I spotted co-worker Kati at one of the later water stations (she was a couple miles ahead of me :)). I hear she had an amazing kick at the end!
It was so hot! I checked out the mister. Trying to keep my Garmin out of the water:
Because of my current no-gluten experiment, Brad was the lucky recipient of my reward pancakes and cookies. He always happily steps up and eats whatever I can't ;)
Instead of medals, this race gives necklaces:

I would love for all my female friends and family to join me for next year's race!! It's an awesome tradition. Let's do it :)
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