Tomorrow I will attempt the near-impossible: I'm going to run a 10K cold.
I did the Canby Dahlia Run last year and loved the course. So when registration came up at a big discount, I signed up to race again this year.

The problem is that my Achilles is not better (I injured it in early February!), and I have not been running. I've done less than 9 miles this whole month.
I'm not nearly as depressed about my running as I was at the beginning because I've found other things to do that keep me strong (kickboxing, biking, hiking). But I still miss it lots and am jealous of friends running Hood to Coast today and training for the Portland Marathon and such. I'm also sad because I don't know if I'll ever really be able to run again :(
Plus, I agreed to help Eryn train and run Portland a year from now, so I have to get better!
When I go to packet pickup this afternoon, I plan to tell them that I'm dropping from the half to the 10K. Then tomorrow, I will go slow, take walk breaks and try to enjoy my run as much as possible. No goal other than to finish and have fun being a runner again.
We have high-deductible insurance right now, but with open enrollment coming, we're switching to a lower-deductible plan. Then I'm going to my sister's podiatrist and get this thing scanned and see if there's something else I can do to fix it. I can hardly wait!!
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