My weekend started with a 7-hour training! It was great information, but that makes for a long day (and a short weekend!)
Along with six others, I'm now an official union steward, trained to represent my fellow workers on union matters. Ready to make a difference!

Eryn and I planned ahead and brought running clothes with us. I know that if I had gone home, I would have collapsed on the couch never to move again :)
The timing was perfect, and Brad was just getting home from a bike ride in the Coast Range. So the three of us set out for an easy trail run at Tryon Creek State Park.
About 3.5 miles up and down, up and down.
A section we normally run was closed due to a landslide, so we ended up running another section backward. The trail I know so well going the other direction looked very foreign - I even thought we were on a different trail!
Brad and I have a trail race this weekend, so this week won't include anything too crazy :)
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