Christmas break was kind of a wild ride this year!
It started crazy with Mom's accident. Eryn, Mom and I all missed the last day of school, leaving things hanging a bit - personally and professionally.
After spending half the day with her in the emergency room (always good family time!), we took turns babysitting her concussed head. Then we had a family dinner of Chinese takeout comfort food.
Saturday was the Ugly Sweater Run, our first fun run as a whole family (minus our concussed mother):
After, the Wood side went to lunch at Native Foods Cafe (Jill's a vegetarian, too!) and then a little shopping while we were at Bridgeport Village:
Before the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve activities, I made sure and got in a nice, early 5 miler:

The day was filled with family, handbells at church and then late snacks at Eryn's. I failed to photograph any of that. There's always next year!
Christmas morning always starts with an early call time at Mom and Dad's for a light breakfast and piles of presents! Vaulted ceilings mean big trees!
Merry Christmas! Done with lots of fun at Mom and Dad's - time to go to Ma and Pa's house for more!
Pa got lots of Minion-themed gifts, including this custom-made stocking cap:
The whole fam:
My time off included lots of time with this crazy lady:

Local friends and family gathered for a casual wedding reception for Jill and Maroof: (MORE RECEPTION PICS TO COME!)

Our tree:
Brad got some sweet Star Wars gear:
Icy days meant extra time for reading and cuddling:
I feel so fortunate to have a job that shuts down during the holidays. I'd trade pay for that time off any day :) I hope your holidays were full of family and love and all good things!
I love catch-up posts! Thanks . . . Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy MLK Day, Merry Valentines Day to you!