With Brad out on a climbing adventure on the last weekend of my summer break, I decided I needed to run a race! Mom and Eryn joined me for the Garlic Fest 10K in North Plains.
Racers ready!

The loop course has a lovely hill in the middle:

I slowed for the ups and tried to fly on the downs. By the end, I was less flying and more trying to hang on ;)
Free race pics are the best! I looked better than I felt :)

I finished in 57:33, a 9:16 average. My Garmin measured the course at 6.28 miles, bringing my average down to 9:10. I took 6/26 in my age group, 37/161 for females, and 90/250 overall.
Eryn on the course:
Here comes Eryn, around the corner from the finish:
After she passed, I ran ahead to get her at the finish line:
Mom on the course:
And here she comes!
Always run the finish:
Mom walked much of the course and found a fellow educator to chat with and pass the time:
After, we walked over a couple blocks to see the tiny parade:
Small-town parades are hilarious :)
Then we went to the festival area for some refueling. We all tried the "world famous garlic mashed potatoes":
We were so excited, but they were horrible! They were just instant potatoes with some garlic sprinkled on top. I didn't even finish mine. :(
Then we shared a very mediocre elephant ear. The race was definitely better than the festival food. Next year, we'll stick to the running.
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