
Monday, January 14, 2013

Sherar Burn Trail (1/12/13)

Cruddy snow conditions kept us off the mountain for the big birthday weekend. But with flakes falling all week, we figured this weekend would be a great time for some cross-country skiing. And we were right!

Brad stretched out the map on the family room floor and chose a new trail to explore.
We parked at the very crowded Trillium Lake Sno-Park, clipped into our bindings and zoomed down the hill toward the lake. At the bottom, we hung a right and headed counterclockwise around the loop. But when we came to the four-way intersection, we took the Sherar Burn Trail.

The snow was amazing, with dry, fluffy, fresh powder on top of packed powder. And the weather was spectacular - cold, clear and calm.
Lots and lots of uphill, but we were rewarded with this view of Mount Jefferson to the south:
We had to stop and take pictures of that:
Once off the main Trillium trail, we saw just five other people. And once we were several miles in, the tracks stopped and we knew we were the only ones out that far for days.
We turned around at 2:30 p.m. and worked our way back to the car. We ended up going more than 11 miles - way more than we'd planned to do. But it was a beautiful day and a good trail, so those tired legs were worth it :)

Week 7 training recap:
Sunday: Rest Day
Monday: spin class
Tuesday: 3.07 miles
Wednesday: 5.05 miles - intervals
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: 10.11 miles
Saturday: cross-country skiing
Week 7 Total: 18.23 miles


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