Last month, after starting my no-dairy diet, I was thrilled to find several dairy-free options to satisfy my craving for seasonal beverages.
I tried the So Delicious Coconut Nog - and it was AMAZING!
Then I tried the Silk Seasonal Nog, which was also AMAZING!

I saw Rice Dream Rice Nog on sale and grabbed it, too. I was searching for the best option out there. This was not it.
First off, the spices weren't right. Instead of tasting nutmeg-y, as eggnog should, it was sort of chai-like. And the rice milk was just too watery. I actually prefer a thin eggnog, but it should creamy - not watery.
Well, you can't win them all :)
Eryn brought me Silk Chocolate Mint soy milk, which was good but not awesome. I also grabbed this Westsoy Chocolate Peppermint Stick:
It was much thicker and creamier than the Silk version - and had way more calories. It stood up a bit better to heating. (The Silk became really thin when heated) While I think I liked the taste a little better, the Silk would be my first choice because of the calorie savings. (Unless it was just one mug as a wintery treat) :)
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