Saturday, December 31, 2016

1000 miles, DONE!

I did it! I did it!!

I keep track of all my running miles, and a couple months back I realized that I could hit 1,000 if I put my mind to it. So I created a schedule and stuck with it, inching closer every week.

Then the week before Christmas, Mom lovingly gave me her bronchitis, and I was down for the count. Instead of pushing through, I chose to set aside my goal and get a couple days of solid rest, hoping to rally for Christmas and all its fun. It worked, and I felt pretty good for the festivities.

BUT... I still had about 35 miles to run. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but with Christmas obligations and out-of-town visitors (Hi, Jill and Maroof!), I didn't know if I could squeeze it in.

Well, today I laced up my new running shoes and hit the pavement for my final miles of the 2017:
And with the last 4+ miles:

Santa Mickey was there to greet me as I finished in a light rain/snow: 
Looking back, 2013 was the year I trained for and ran three marathons. I easily surpassed 1,000 that year. Then 2014 was my Achilles injury and lower mileage. This year's marathon kicked up my miles, helping get me over the hump.

We'll see what 2017 brings :)

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