Friday, July 22, 2022

Beach house garden work day update

We interrupt this baseball vacation recap for a very important beach-house update!

At the end of June, Eryn, Mom, and I spent a day working in the yard at my grandparents' beach house. Time constraints (like flying off to Chicago a day-and-a-half later) meant we couldn't finish the job. We got the north side looking pretty good, but we only had time to start the south side. (But we did pull the grass seed heads to keep them from spreading)

Here's the south-side before pic:
And here's how we left it last time - improvement but still lots of work to do:
And yesterday's work:

It looks so good! Can't wait for Ma and Pa to see it :)

If you're in Tillamook, check out Mike's Mac and Sanny Shack in the food cart pod on First Street. Whenever I'm in town, I try to grab a veggie sandwich. SOOO good! Mom says their meaty sandwiches are really good, too. Check them out!
Oh, and we also had to get cones from the creamery.... duh :)

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