Plan B: training hike - Wahkeena Falls (2/15/10)
Our holiday weekend plan was to squeeze in some early season camping and rock climbing at Smith Rock State Park. We watched the weather all week, sometimes seeing a dry Monday and other times seeing a wet Monday. We waited. We were packed Saturday night and ready to leave Sunday morning, but the forecast got worse with showers most of Monday. Nevermind. Too much gamble for a 6-hour round-trip drive.So instead of climbing rock with us in Central Oregon, Jacob and Lindsey agreed to go on a training hike in the Gorge. We chose the Wahkeena Falls-to-Multnomah Falls loop, about 5.2 miles.The boys practically ran up the hill, right past the perfect picture spot at Fairy Falls. Unfortunately, it was humid and I was sweaty, so my glasses fogged up just in time for the photo... so now I look like an alien :)
There were just a couple other groups of hikers on the first part of the trail - and lots of lovely scenery...
The Gorge weather ended up being perfect for hiking. It was warm enough and the sun was out for most of the trip.
We had to visit the top of Multnomah Falls...
Just before the bridge toward the bottom of the falls, Brad said something about a horse. I thought he was joking about seeing a giant Great Dane or something. But then I saw it... a pony on the trail! It was wearing a purple coat. Um... I've seen a lot of strange things on hikes, but never a pony on a leash walking up a paved tourist trail. The group was headed toward the top of the falls... with their pony.I tried to snap a picture but was too slow. You can barely make it out on the right side of that group - white head, purple coat:
After the pony shock wore off, we made our way through the tourists to the bottom of the falls.
We celebrated a great workout with Mondo Burritos and fish tacos at Taco del Mar in nearby Wood Village. Then we bargain hunted at Next Adventure and Andy and Bax in Portland. Jacob scored some used XC ski boots and almost-new rock climbing shoes - for our next attempt at Smith!:)
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