Monday, June 29, 2015

Sherm's big adventure

Today was a big day for Sherm!

First stop: Tree City Chiropractic (why is there no bike rack at this business complex??):
New Seasons:
Free-range meat and Newman-O's:
I stopped at home to put the meat in the fridge and grab my awesome trailer. Ever since I discovered the Burley Travoy, I've been dreaming of the day I would do my weekly shopping by bike (Also no bike rack at Winco): 
It was magical!

Then on the way home, a train was stopped across Bonita. We waited a really long time, but with a smile on my face the whole time. I spent the time like all the other drivers: texting and taking pictures:
I turned around and realized the famous Beth Woolsey was in that blue car right behind me. She works just across the tracks at Medical Teams International and was making a "quick trip" to get half and half at Trader Joe's. Oops!

With everyone's engines turned off, we had to snap a selfie :)
As soon as Beth decided to turn around and make her way around the stoppage, the train moved and I pedaled home. She knew that was going to happen :)

What a fun morning!

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