Friday, August 3, 2007

Friday wrap

Brad successfully finished his first week at FLIR. He's been pooped in the evenings after filling his head with lots and lots of new information. But I think it's going pretty well. OH, and one of his projects will be the TV helicopter cameras! We thought that was kinda funny.

I successfully finished my week of pedal-powered errands. I ended up driving myself Tuesday night to the urgent care center and to the pharmacy for antibiotics for my sinus gunk, but that was an acceptable exception to my experiment. I may try again next week. We'll see.

My sister (the grad student who has a paper due this evening) bailed on my yard work today, but I spent several hours outside anyway. I spread some bark and got a lot of plants in the ground. I still have a long way to go, so Eryn won't miss out on all the fun. I also promised that I'd save some bark dusting for her. I didn't tell her that I'm also saving some rock spreading for her, too :)

I took advantage of the cloudy morning and cooler temps and went for a run today. I pushed myself to finish my whole loop - 33.33 minutes. We've been doing a lot of climbing and hiking, so I hadn't run in a couple weeks. It was a bit painful, but I'm very glad I got out there!

Pizza dough is rising in the bread maker. Dinner should be yummy! Maybe we'll watch a movie afterward.

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