After our mini vacation last week to Pendleton, we decided to lay low this weekend and just do what we felt like. Nice!
Brad's 12 miler left him pretty pooped Saturday, but my 7 miler left me raring to go. So I called Eryn for a little sister shopping.
We hit the clearance sale at Old Navy and each scored some good deals. With sales, a leftover gift card and a 15%-off coupon, these shirts cost me just 44 cents!!!
We stepped outside and saw friend Bill, a fun surprise :)
Next stop: Jamba Juice with free coupons from the Hippie Chick race!

More shopping ensued, but nothing exciting to report.
Sunday before church, Brad and I headed to Cook Park for some easy biking - a recovery workout after Saturday's long runs. I got to try out my brand-new helmet that arrived Saturday on our doorstep. It's really comfortable, but the straps are kinda funky. I need to work on those.
After church, we went back to Cook Park to celebrate Alonzo, the 5-week-old baby Tamara and Douglas:
I've known Tamara since third or fourth grade - we lived next door to each other in the duplexes across from Tigard High School. She now lives in Nicaragua, where she met Douglas. I really wish I could have talked with him more, but he speaks very little English so far. Hopefully when they visit again next summer we can chat more :)
The shower was supposed to be last month, but Alonzo had other plans and started making his entrance the night before the party!
Had to have a pinata:
We played a couple fun games - and I won a Starbucks card for being on the fastest diaper-relay team!
Oh, this beautiful, yummy cake from Beaverton Bakery:
And of course, lots of gifts for Alonzo:
The shower was at the shelter near the boat ramp... a perfect place for a summer party. If you know Cook Park, you know the area is surrounded by lots of grass - lots of space. Still, this guy decided to lay out right next to our gathering of small children and such:
He pulled up his shorts to lessen the tan lines. Then he flipped over and did the same in the front.
Ew. We all felt that it was a bit yucky. Learn some boundaries, Creeper!
We capped off the sunny day with a sunny dinner of all yellow foods!
It wasn't planned - it just evolved that way :)
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