Kicked off last weekend with an after-school run with Julie. Beautiful sunny afternoon!

Saturday's 10-miler was for Meg, killed last week by a drunken driver. It was a gorgeous run under blue skies. And I felt strong - ready to tackle next month's half marathon!

There was also some reading. Lots of reading.
Sunday we were treated to the musical offerings of Bill Jolliff, who led Newberg Friends while pickin' away on his bango and guitar. Loved it!

I had the Bronco/Patriot game on while I did stuff around the house. Then it was time for Eryn to come over for the day's main event...
Seahawks on the big screen!!!
Even Brad joined us for the second half. Though he said he had to wear his pink T-shirt to offset the testosterone from all the football ;)We were cheering for the Seahawks -- but we like both teams and also would have been happy if the Niners won.
Brad had to work Monday, but I had the day off. I honored MLK Jr. by doing a few chores, lazing around, reading and hitting the treadmill for intervals.
The weather was gorgeous so I ran with the garage doors open and the blue sky in view. My workout was 9 x 400s. I did the first five at 8:13 and then sped up one notch for each of the remaining four. With warmup and cooldown, 5.0 miles in all.
And in honor of MLK Jr. - I passed the time watching a bi-racial crime-fighting duo.
I hope your weekend was as relaxing and wonderful as mine :)
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