Sunrise run
Very important things (the season finale of The Office!) got in the way of my run last night. And since I won't have any time to go out tonight, I decided to hit the road before work.
I got up before 5:30 a.m., suited up, ate a Powerbar, drank some water and hit the bathroom. Then I did a few minutes of arms and abs while I woke up a bit more. I stepped out into the early-morning sunshine (it's supposed to be 75 today!!) and watered my plants while my Garmin located the overhead satellites. Then I was off.I only had to run 15 minutes and walk 1 minute - two times. 3.3 miles in 33:08 minutes.I encountered only a few cars and a couple bikes, walkers and joggers during my half hour. But I did spot one of my students walking to school. Living in the same community where I work is fun :)OK - now I've had my oatmeal, cooled down and iced my knee and have 45 minutes to get to work. I'd better get in the shower so I'm not late :)
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