I signed up for my fourth Hippie Chick months and months ago - way before I knew I'd spend the first half of the year battling injury.
I was supposed to run the half, but that was out of the question. I decided to go ahead and try for the quarter and see how it felt. 6:30 a.m. - ready to go!
They wanted to charge me $30 to drop to the quarter. No way. So I ripped off my timing chip and just ran! I know, I'm such a rebel.Lynn, Mom, Sondra and Eryn:

After experimenting with different shoes and speeds and such, I decided on my Newtons, tried to keep up the pace and watched for uneven ground and tight corners.
I told my family beforehand that I reserved the right to do the whole half if everything felt good. BUT... my iPod died in the middle of the second song and I knew there was no way I could battle through 13 untrained miles without music. I think it was divine intervention ;)
This year's race ended on the new Hillsboro Hops baseball field. The turf is brand new and really squishy. It made the kick at the end extra challenging.
Luckily, Brad spotted my hot-pink shorts and was able to get to the finish chute in time to snap some pics.
Absolutely ecstatic!
I finished the 6.61 miles in 1:02 - a 9:23 average.Hot dang! Not too bad considering I haven't really run in two months.
AND... I actually PR'd!! My old quarter-marathon PR pace, set at the 2012 Hippie Chick, was 9:24! I WILL TAKE IT :) :)
Eryn had foot surgery in February, and this was her first post-op race. She ran/walked it and kicked butt! So great to have my running buddy back.
Brad and Dad came to cheer us on and take pictures (and to eat our leftover pancakes).

Mom sprinting to the finish:

Great job!

I adore these ladies :)
Pancakes: get in my tummy!
The loot was awesome! They were handing out piles and piles of Ghiradelli chocolate bars, and bread and donut holes and mini bagels...
Run with Paula sold off her races last year to the Better Series. This was my first taste of a "Better" race, and there were some definite goods and bads.
The Web site sucked. I couldn't find anything I needed, including info about changing races and packet pickup. Duh. And the price was completely and totally outrageous. (I signed up very early for a big discount)
But the course support was good and the start/finish was great. I did notice there were not porta potties on the quarter course. I sure hope they had some for the halfers!
I wouldn't pay $100 for this race, but I would definitely pay $50... and that's just what I did when I registered that night for the 2015 race!!! (Though I couldn't find the link to save my life. Only got it through Sondra's Facebook posting. Still don't know how she got there!)
As always, the Hippie Chick was a wonderful celebration of women! Loved it :)
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