Wednesday, November 28, 2012

No-TV Tuesday meets Track Tuesday

With the Heart Breaker Half in our not-so-distant future, training time is upon us!

This time, Brad and I chose the Hal Higdon Intermediate Half-Marathon Training Program to guide our workouts. The schedule is "for experienced runners who have left their novice roots behind and want to improve their performances. That's us!

Each week calls for three easy runs, a track or tempo run and a long run. Tuesday is speedwork, and we both did our run inside on the treadmill.
This is one of the reasons be bought our 'mill, and it worked perfectly!

I did five 400-meter intervals at 5K pace (8:41) with 200-meter walks between. With warmup and cooldown, 2.25 miles.
Brad came home and did the same workout (at his much faster pace). Then we cleaned up and headed to Bridge City Cafe for yummy, cheesy veggie sandwiches.
My plan was to eat some dairy-filled dinners this week before going veganish at the end of the week. But I've been feeling SO horrible that I decided this sandwich was it. So as of this writing, I'm done with all cow dairy for at least three months. Fingers crossed!!

We made a quick stop at Whole Foods on the way home and picked up a couple items for our new diet.

Then it was home to prep for Wednesday and then curl up with my book:
A nice No-TV Tuesday :)

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