A Thanksgiving-morning run has become one of my favorite holiday traditions!
We started in 2010 with Sherwood's Give n' Gobble. Mom, Dad, Eryn, Lindsey and Michael joined us for the near-freezing race.
We ran the Give n' Gobble again in 2011, this time with Mom, Dad, Eryn, Steve and Donna. But there were some problems with the course and organization, so we decided to try the West Linn Turkey Trot for 2012.
Packet pickup was Wednesday at Portland Running Co. in Beaverton.

Scored some good loot! I love these races sponsored by Jamba Juice :)
Not having a costume or a race T-shirt (they gave out the mugs instead of shirts), I wasn't sure how to dress. I found it funny how difficult it was to choose when I didn't have an outfit all picket out!
This is a close-up shot because Brad's not wearing pants! He discovered that morning that his pants were in the laundry. He ran a quick load and threw them on as we ran out the door.The price tag (free!) didn't make up for the fact that this was the worst hot chocolate I've ever had!
Ready to hit the trails at Mary S. Young Park in West Linn:
Lynn came along for this year's event:
Pie prizes!
Here we go:
The race wound through the park, up and down and all around.
It was supposed to about 4 miles, but the flooded Willamette River took over part of the trail, forcing a detour. According to my Garmin, it ended up being 3.19 miles. I finished in 33:44, a 10:34 average.
Considering the trail conditions, which included flights of stairs, and my wheezing through snot, I'm very happy with that :)
Here comes Eryn:
Dad emerging from the woods:
Mom and Lynn!
Brad won a pie in the random giveaway!
So did Dad!!
The course was challenging and fun. The race was well organized. The post-race party was really fun. We all won random prizes. It was a good day :)
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